Chinese scarf with calligraphy of yin-yang philosophy, (spells and invocations), part of principles of the Tao is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.5 CA
Learn where to find journals articles on the library webpage, and how to discover these on databases.
Use Library Search to read journal articles online if you know their title and author name(s).
Use Find an eJournal, the library's A to Z of digital journals, to see which journals we have in the library.
JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.
Full-text database for theology and philosophy research. Covers many religious and philosophical topics, including world religions, religious history, political philosophy and philosophy of language.
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index of philosophy books and articles. PhilPapers offers unique features such as real-time indexing of pre-prints, fine-grained classification by topic, email alerts, reading lists, advanced search functionality, and discussion forums.
Search the world’s leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Includes: Science Citation Index; Social sciences Citation Index; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities.
Comprehensive database for the traditional areas of biology that combines content from the BIOSIS Previews database with fully indexed cited references from BIOSIS (from 2006) and content from all the Web of Science databases (prior to and post 2006).
UK’s national thesis service providing records of all doctoral theses awarded by UK Higher Education institutions and free access to the full text of as many theses as possible. Please note: UK theses not available on EThOS can be requested via the Inter-Library Loan service.
Index of scholarly research taken from: the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Culture), the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza and the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine.
An index of scholarly research on history, literature and culture from 400 to 1500AD. Geographical coverage includes North Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
Mass Observation Online makes available personal diaries, surveys, and other materials to provide records of public opinion from 1937 to 1967.
NB: This database can be browsed on campus without signing into the Overton site. Off campus, users need to register on the Overton registration page with their email address. Overton allows users to discover policy documents in 180 countries and explore their links to each other and to the academic research that has informed them. Overton indexes work from governments, universities, IGOs, NGOs, research funders, publishers and think tanks to understand their role in the policymaking landscape. Users can track the evolution of ideas all the way from academic and think tank research to government reports and legislation.
Use Policy Commons to discover and follow high-quality policy research from 210 countries and territories produced by world’s leading policy experts, charities, think tanks, IGOs and NGOs. Includes publications from inactive organisations that may not be available elsewhere. For help with searching see
Includes citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day. Full-text is available for most dissertations added since 1997. The official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress, it also includes UK & Ireland content.
PubMed contains references to journal papers from Medline and life sciences journals.
Vast database of full-text handbooks, videos and case studies of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Also includes a research project planner, with step by step help on each stage of the research process, for all types of dissertation or research project.
Scopus includes references to journal articles, conference proceedings and books relating to science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts & humanities.
International literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
Use academic databases if you want to do a quick and thorough search for a topic across many digital journals and books. They will allow you to do a more in-depth and focused search compared with Library Search or Google. You won’t find these resources on free search engines like Google. By reading journal articles, you keep up to date with quick-paced research before it becomes incorporated in books.
Some databases include full-text versions of articles and others only have bibliographic details. When the full text is not available, try the Get It @Bristol Univ button to see if there is a link to the full text in the library.
Philosophy databases cover the most current and comprehensive bibliographies of research in journals. Multi-disciplinary databases, like Web of Science, are excellent for finding philosophy materials, including those that intersect with other disciplines and areas in science, social sciences, arts and the humanities. These are useful for tracing the impact of philosophers' research within and across disciplines.
A self-help tutorial on effective research with databases.