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Legal Research Certification

Legal Research Certification

Follow the step-by-step guidance through the Westlaw UK and Lexis+ links below for everything you need to know to effectively search these legal databases. You can then apply what you have learned by taking the certification test. If you pass, you will be certified in that database and be sent a certificate to demonstrate your skills, which you can list on your CV.  You can take the certification tests as many times as you need until you pass.

Westlaw Certification

Westlaw logo

Westlaw UK & Practical Law Certification Training: walk-through tutorials of Westlaw UK & Practical Law with the option to test your skills and become certified.

Lexis+ Certification

Lexis+ logo

Lexis+ and Practical Guidance Law Student Hubaccess the free Lexis+ UK Legal Research and Practical Guidance certification training and support materials. 

Westlaw Student Rep

Isobel Potter is your Westlaw student rep for 2024/25.

Isobel is a final year LLB student at the University of Bristol! She will be running certification sessions and drop-in Q&As for Westlaw during term time. Do get in touch if you would like more specific peer-to-peer support. Isobel is happy to help.

Please contact Isobel by email:   

Your Subject Librarian

Naomi Nile photo






Naomi Nile


If you need help with any of the law databases, please contact your Subject Librarian to ask a question or book an appointment.