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The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Activismprovides an accessible, diverse and ground-breaking overview of literary, cultural, and political translation across a range of activist contexts. As the first extended collection to offer perspectives on translation and activism from a global perspective, this handbook includes case studies and histories of oppressed and marginalised people from over twenty different languages.
Translation and Multimodality: Beyond Words is one of the first books to explore how translation needs to be redefined and reconfigured in contexts where multiple modes of communication, such as writing, images, gesture, and music, occur simultaneously. Bringing together world-leading experts in translation theory and multimodality, each chapter explores important interconnections among these related, yet distinct, disciplines.
Subtitling: Concepts and Practices provides students, researchers and practitioners with a research-based introduction to the theory and practice of subtitling. The book, inspired by the highly successful Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling by the same authors, is a new publication reflecting the developments in practice and research that mark subtitling today, while considering the way ahead. It supplies the core concepts that will allow its users to acquaint themselves with the technical, linguistic and cultural features of this specific yet extremely diverse form of audiovisual translation and the many contexts in which it is deployed today.
Translation-related activities from and into Arabic have significantly increased in the last few years, in both scope and scale. The launch of a number of national translation projects, policies and awards in a number of Arab countries, together with the increasing translation from Arabic in a wide range of subject areas outside the Arab World - especially in the aftermath of the Arab Spring - have complicated and diversified the dynamics of the translation industry involving Arabic.
This book delves into the Chinese literary translation landscape over the last century, spanning critical historical periods such as the Cultural Revolution in the greater China region. Contributors from all around the world approach this theme from various angles, providing an overview of translation phenomena at critical historical moments, identifying the trends of translation and publication, uncovering translation norms of important works, elucidating the relationship between translators and other agents, articulating the interaction between texts and readers, and in short, disclosing the nature of literary migration from Chinese into English. This volume aims at benefiting both academics of translation studies from a dominantly Anglophone culture and researchers in the greater China region. Chinese scholars of translation studies will not only find in this volume a dedicated reference book, they will also find the contrast, confluence and communication/conference between the research by local academics and their global colleagues potentially stimulating, inspiring, and ultimately transformative.