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Geographical Sciences


Introduction to the Geographical Sciences Subject Guide


This library guide is designed to support learning, teaching, and research in Geographical Sciences.

This guide will help you:

  • discover the most useful sources of information for your topic
  • get help with study and research skills for your discipline
  • reference appropriately

Bennet Jones

Your Subject Librarian


Bobbie Winter-Burke


Students and staff are welcome to contact me (via email or Teams) for help and advice regarding:

  • library services and resources,
  • finding and accessing information,
  • referencing (incl. the use of EndNote/Mendeley),
  • book, ebook and other resource recommendations for purchase.

I can be found in the Chemistry Library and Wills Memorial Library at various times throughout the week and would be happy to meet in-person or to arrange an online 1:1.


Welcome to your library tutorial cover art

This quick guide introduces the different resources and services available through the library.

Library Search

Search books, journal articles and more provided by the University of Bristol Library

Suggest a book purchase

Close up of open book


If there is a book you would like us to buy, please fill in the form here.