When working on assignments, it is likely you will need to look beyond your course reading lists for information.
Library Search is the tool used at Bristol to enable you to search across all our Library resources:
Check out our tutorial on using Library Search effectively to find books, articles and other resources.
Highlight ebook series and collections include:
JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources.
Full text to most volumes in this prestigious book series
Full text of most volumes in this prestigious book series
O'Reilly for Higher Education (OHE) is a collection of full-text books and other resources specializing in computer programming and information technology. The database includes more than 35,000 book titles, plus 30,000+ hours of video, proven learning paths, case studies, expert playlists, audio books, and more.
Access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols and reference works published by Springer
The Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks Library collection covers newly selected titles in topics such as computer security, cryptography, networking/security, data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, communication systems security and much more.
If you have a reference to a publication you can use Library Search to find out if the Library gives you access to it.
A good way to widen your research is to follow up the references listed at the end of relevant books or journal articles.
Library search enables you to search for Library resources by topic:
To find eBooks on your topic: run the search then in the left margin Refine the Search by Format: eBooks.
To find find journal articles by topic: note that while Library Search offers a quick way to find some articles, if you want to be more systematic and go beyond Library collections you should use Library databases.
The majority of Computer Science books can be found at shelfmarks Q and QA in the Main Reading Room of the Queen's Building Library.
B - Philosophy
BC - Logic
Q300-390 - Cybernetics and Information. Theory
QA75.5-76.95 - Electronic Computers. Computer Science
QA76.75-76.765 - Computer Software
QA273-280 - Probabilities. Mathematical Statistics