If you have a specific journal in mind search by the title using the ejournals A-Z index or alternatively you can search by title or subject at Browzine:
If you do not have a specific journal in mind then another effective way to search for journal articles, conference proceedings, and beyond is to use the large number of databases that the Library subscribes to.
The most popular for locating journal articles in Computer Science are:
Publications from ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and other publishers.
From Cornell University, this free, open access archive has around 2 million scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics
Business Source Ultimate offers access to 3,655 active full-text journals, including many peer-reviewed publications. It spans various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives. It provides researchers with essential business journals such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and MIS Quarterly, plus business videos from top providers.
Comprehensive engineering database comprising journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and preprints. Features the latest cutting-edge findings as well as historical research and innovations in engineering disciplines.
Video Gaming consists of the backfiles of more than 40 gaming magazines from the 1980s through to 2020. These titles cover a wide variety of consoles / platforms and aspects of the industry.
Technical literature from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology). Contains journals, conference papers, technical standards, ebooks and more.
Bibliographic information from the world's literature on all aspects of physics, electronics, control engineering and information technology.
Engineering data and technical references to solve engineering problems.
Principal database for research in mathematical sciences published by the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
O'Reilly for Higher Education (OHE) is a collection of full-text books and other resources specializing in computer programming and information technology. The database includes more than 35,000 book titles, plus 30,000+ hours of video, proven learning paths, case studies, expert playlists, audio books, and more.
PubMed contains references to journal papers from Medline and life sciences journals.
Vast database of full-text handbooks, videos and case studies of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Also includes a research project planner, with step by step help on each stage of the research process, for all types of dissertation or research project.
Scopus includes references to journal articles, conference proceedings and books relating to science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts & humanities.
Search the world’s leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Includes: Science Citation Index; Social sciences Citation Index; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science; Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities.
To access the full-text of resources, we recommend using the search tools and links provided by the Library on our webpages and in this guide. This way you will be authenticated and recognised as a member of the University of Bristol.
We also provide access to LibKey Nomad, a browser extension that links to full text articles available through Library subscriptions or Open Access alternatives (via Unpaywall data).
A self-help tutorial on effective research with databases.
These guides will help you get started with some of our databases. For more help and information on using these databases, please do get in touch.