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Veterinary Sciences

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Library Guide for the Vet School


Your Subject Librarian

Emma Place


Students and staff in the Bristol Vet School are welcome to contact me - I can help with finding books and journal articles, literature and evidence searches, buying new books, referencing and any Library enquiries you have. Please email me your query or to book a videoconference call.

Research profile

This guide aims to help you use the Library services at Bristol to succeed in your University work. With so much information available, it can be hard to know where to begin:

  • some information is online; some is in physical books and journals
  • some online information is free (open-access); some has a fee (a pay-wall)
  • some information is appropriate for academic work, some really isn't

The University Library aims to help students and staff get access to the information they need for their course-work and research. It can save you time and money:

  • Free access to everything on your reading lists - with books often in print & online
  • Free access to scholarly journals  - we pay the subscriptions so you don't have to
  • Search tools and databases - which guide you to information for academic work

Select the tabs at the top of this page to learn how to find resources and reference them correctly.

Welcome to your Library

This quick guide introduces the different resources and services available through the library.

Introducing your Subject Librarian