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Psychological Science


Finding resources

As part of your studies you will need to access a wide range of material to support your learning.  In this section you will discover how you can access databases and additional sources.


Stack of booksDatabases

A camera close-upAdditional resources


Finding specific resources

Use Library Search to find books (including eBooks) and journal articles on your reading lists or mentioned in lectures or tutorials. 

Where journal articles are included in an online reading/resource list, you can click on the link to access the full text. Otherwise, if you know the specific journal you want, you can find it through Library Search, or from the Library's Find an ejournal page: search by the name of the journal and then follow links to the year, volume number and page number of the article you want.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a specific journal, you can search by title or subject at Browzine.


Finding resources on a topic

When working on assignments, it is likely you will need to look beyond your unit reading list for information on your topic.

  • Use Library Search by using keywords relevant to your topic.  In Library Search you will find a range of resources, including books, journal articles, audio materials and video
  • Use subject databases to carry out thorough searches on your topic. See the database page of this guide for more information. 


Accessing electronic resources 

Have a look at advice about how to access electronic resources on-site and off-site.

Library Search

Search books, journal articles and more provided by the University of Bristol Library

Library Search tutorial

Library Search Tutorial link

A self-help tutorial on using Library Search effectively to find books, articles and other resources.

Psychology resources

You can find most of the print resources for Psychology in the Arts and Social Sciences Library.  

Reading lists

You can find reading lists for your course on Blackboard attached to each course unit page.

Evaluating information tutorial

Evaluating Information tutorial cover art

A self-help tutorial on evaluating the quality of readings.