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History of Art

Canaletto - San Giorgio Maggiore from the Bacino di San Marco

Artworks and primary sources

You can access digital reproductions of artworks via specialist subscription databases as well as publicly available online collections provided by various museums, galleries and other cultural institutions.

The Library also holds a large collection of printed exhibition catalogues which you can find via Library Search.

Online art collections

The following online collections include digital reproductions of works of art in various media, including paintings, sculpture, photographs, ceramics etc.

Guides to art collections

These resources provide information about artworks held in galleries, museums and other collections.

Other primary sources

The following resources provide further primary sources relating to artists and their work.

Museum and gallery collections online

The following museums and galleries provide online access to digital reproductions of items held in their collections.

Please note, the tab headings below relate to the location of the holding museum or gallery, not the place of origin of the original artworks.

AM Research Skills

AM Research Skills image

New resource: A&AePortal

Landscape painting

Database research tutorial

Effective research with databases tutorial cover art

A self-help tutorial on effective research with databases.

Finding primary sources

finding primary sources tutorial cover art

This guide to finding primary sources will show you where and how to find primary sources online and in print.

Finding and using archives in the UK

Proposed historic design for Clifton Suspension Bridge

Our Introduction to finding and using archives in the UK guide provides further information about using UK archives for your research.

Special Collections

Special Collections

Special Collections

The University of Bristol's Special Collections contain a vast and diverse range of materials dating from the 11th century to the present day.